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Thank you for taking the time to come to My Free Research for help and assistance. We believe our totally unique approach to information search will be of value to you. Our area of concentration is Business & Professional Management and Leadership Development. My Free Research is based on some important discoveries based on our expereince:
  1. People in the business and professional world have a need for specific information, knowledge and education on topics of importance to them but are not easily finding the comprehensive answers they need.
  2. While the Web is a vast resource of information, a great deal of time is required to find and sort out exactly what is needed. The Web’s search engine process limits your search request to a few keywords or a limited phrase. This results in uncovering a lot of resources and information that are too broad or disconnected to be of value.
  3. Often times, a number of people are searching for the same or similar information on the Web. My Free Research provides visitors the opportunity to broaden the scope of  their research and gain the benefit of many insights from a larger group seeking similar answers. We get the cumulative insights of many people.
My Free Research specializes in researching important management development questions that a group of people are seeking in common but not easily locating. We provide focused answers and information for what people are seeking because they have the opportunity to outline their search question in more specific detail.
In the case of a recent Broad Inquiry frequently being asked on the Web, our research indicated that people were inquiring on this topic at an average search rate of over 60,000 times a month for the past year! That’s a lot of good people looking for similar answers on a similar topic.
When we find a significant concentration of people searching the Web for a similar reason…we reach out to them to offer our help with their input. This input allows us to research the inquiry and respond to them with quality information and answers. Here is where our visitors and their search requests come into play.  We simply ask the people looking for answers to a similar inquiry to clarifying the details of their specific search question. We can then help them research their answers.


“Help Us Help You” -By simply joining in with our research efforts on the topic they are seeking, our visitors become a voluntary research contributor and receive help and valuable benefits related to their research topic. There is no cost and no obligation. Just by helping us clarifying the specific description of what information visitors are seeking, they receive the following benefits: As soon as visitors Opt-in, they become a research contributor and will receive our     complimentary reference on “Goal Setting – Avoid Dead-ends and Road Blocks to Achievement” as our Thank You for participating! The next step is to simply go the the Broad Inquiry Research topic that matches their question, on our Web-site shown above, where they can provide specific information on what they are really looking for in the appropriate Input Query Research Topic. We made this simple, easy and totally confidential. We do not share any information with any outside organization. Once an Input Query is completed (usually less than 10 minutes) our contributors will receive a Second Free Bonus Report – “Delegating Through the Lens of the Employee.” Should their search question fall into the broad inquiry topic already under way, they will receive a complimentary copy of any report or sourcing already completed. As a research contributor, they have access to our Blogs and Articles on related subjects of interest.  They can ask questions or review information provided by us or other research contributors. Our contributors have nothing to lose and a number of valuable benefits to gain. HOW DOES MY FREE RESEARCH BENEFIT? So with these benefits and resources available to a contributor, you may be wondering about our Mission. Our company focuses on developing comprehensive training and education programs based on the input and search questions of a large group of people with common problems to solve. As an example, should our research into a particular broad inquiry eventually lead to publishing a program on the topic, all research contributors will have access to this information at substantial discounts as our way of supporting them for their contribution. Everyone Wins and Benefits from our relationship! GET YOUR FREE RESEARCH STARTED NOW…RECEIVE 2 FREE BONUSES
  1. Simply sign-in as a Research Contributor in the Box above so we have you e-mail contact info to send research to you. You will receive your Free Bonus on Goal Setting
  2. Next, click on the Search Inquiry Input Category above that matches your search topic or select the New Search Inquiry category connecting you to the Inquiry form for your input.  This is totally confidential